Thursday, January 5, 2012

Apron Love

Ever since I was little I've had a love for aprons.  Call me old fashion, but I just can't help being drawn to these dynamic fashion statements.  I really have no idea where my love of aprons came from... neither my mom nor my grandma ever worn one.  Maybe it's the dreaminess of seeing them in the old TV shows (although I don't like to admit it, I use to be hooked to TV Land when I was younger).  I can only imagine the many episodes of watching Aunt Bee in Andy Griffith and June in Leave it to Beaver helped to influence my love for these iconic articles of clothing. 

Finding aprons can become rather challenging, but it seems as though they have become more popular (or at least available) over the past few years.  On a past trip to Chicago I was able to find several stores that had a huge selection of aprons and you can imagine how excited i was!!  Here are a few pictures of the selection I enjoyed digging through...

After spending way too much time digging through, I finally settled on the following apron for two reason:

 1.  My kitchen is decorated in a brick red color.
2.  I fell in love with the cut and print of this apron.

(Note this picture was taken in a hotel room - so ignore the olden day decorations!)

Recently my mom (who has always thought I was crazy for my 'Apron Love') boosted my collection with several amazing pieces!!  There are two things that you should probably know before viewing the next picture.  First, my mother (and mother-in-law ) have been anything but subtle about wanting a grand baby.  In fact they take every opportunity to remind me of their wishes.  Second, my brother nicknamed me 'Hoot' when I was nothing more than a toddler and has called me that name (along with my family and now most of my husbands family) to this very day (grant you my brother is now 30).  So, you can only imagine how excited my mom was to give me the following and point out to not only me but everyone that it was a set and she expected them both to be put to good use in the near future (there comes the subtle hint)....  (As a side note, I absolutely love the fact that both of our parents are so supportive and not shy about wanting grand babies... I'm beyond grateful for their love and the support they already show before we have granted their wish)

It's a HOOT OWL set... and yes I was just as excited as my mom about these!! Here is a picture of me holding the 'baby apron' on Christmas morning....

So, as you can see my personal collection is coming right along...  I hope you all enjoy wearing and collecting (or at least looking at) this iconic item as much as I do! 

Happy Apron Wearing Everyone!!

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